Heavy Duty Orange Dry Hole Saw for drilling through block and soft brick

Dry core bit for drilling through brick and block.

Very high quality diamond and longer coring life.

Not for use in concrete.

Slots in core help with cooling during dry coring.

7/8″ BDH875 04771
1″ BDH1000 04706
1-1/4″ BDH1250 04711
1-1/2″ BDH1500 04717
1-3/4″ BDH1750 04720
2″ BDH2000 00011
2-1/4″ BDH2250 04727
2-1/2″ BDH2500 00012
3″ BDH3000 00013
3-1/2″ BDH3500 00014
4″ BDH4000 04745
4-1/2″ BDH4500 04751
5″ BDH5000 04756
6″ BDH6000 04764


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